12 Marketing Resolutions for 2012
Twelve for ‘12 Apart from completing my tax return, I usually take the time over the Christmas break to analyse my overall business strategy. Although I’m accustomed to fine tuning my marketing tactics as I go along, I always use the pre-New Year period to assess my overall marketing strategy in some detail and to see where […]
How to create a Google+ page
It’s taken a while, but Google promised us business pages, and now they’re here. Businesses and brands can now connect with clients and customers in a similar way to how they can on Facebook. Customers and visitors can recommend a page by giving it a +1, and can add the page to a circle to […]
Promoting your exhibition stand so that it attracts a high number of quality visitors
This is the second article in a series I am writing aimed at exhibitors at We Mean Business, an exhibition organised by the FSB that takes place in Croydon in November. The article has been adapted slightly from the original, so that it is meaningful for whatever exhibition you might be attending. There’s an old adage that […]
101 ways to promote your business for free
There’s a thread on My Local Forums that links to an article that lists 100 ways to promote your personal brand for free. (It says “personal brand”, but it applies just as well to businesses). Subsequent posts on the thread noted that some of the items were quite tenuous and it seemed they had stretched […]
How to get a personalised Google+ short URL
I’ve had a shiny new Google+ account now for a few days and realised I should be adding the link for it to my other social media profiles –, Facebook, LinkedIn, etc. The URL is long. It’s then a string of 21 digits after that. I’m pretty good at remembering numbers usually, but […]