Social media
LinkedIn launches a new mobile phone app
I’ve had a LinkedIn app on my phone for a while now, but it wasn’t particularly useful. It really didn’t do very much and was quite inferior in comparison with apps for other social media networking sites like Facebook and Twitter. And so I quickly moved it off the main screen of my HTC and […]
Can you write your elevator pitch in 140 characters?
On one of the Chartered Institute of Marketing groups I belong to on LinkedIn, there was a discussion started about how attention spans have decreased and how you no longer have twenty floors in which to explain what your business does, but just two. This of course led onto how much information is out there, […]
How to get a personalised Google+ short URL
I’ve had a shiny new Google+ account now for a few days and realised I should be adding the link for it to my other social media profiles –, Facebook, LinkedIn, etc. The URL is long. It’s then a string of 21 digits after that. I’m pretty good at remembering numbers usually, but […]
Social media: are you a newbie or an early adopter?
With the recent launch of Google+ (and no, I don’t have an invite; somebody send me one please!), I have been musing to myself about which social media I have been using the longest. I think my first foray into the social web came when I joined Friends Reunited, some time in 2000. It was […]
Custom domain names – vanity or shrewd branding?
I’ve just bought myself another domain name. I confess to being a bit of a domain-name hoard. I have loads of them. The one I’ve just bought is (I haven’t made it clickable for reasons that will become apparent). I bought it as a custom short domain for using on I was inspired […]
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